Saving And Investment PlansHDFC Life SL SarvGrameen Bachat Yojana
HDFC SL SarvGrameen Bachat Yojana is a special offering from HDFC Standard Life, exclusively for the benefit of our rural customers to help them have this preparedness. HDFC SL SarvGrameen Bachat Yojana provides robust returns even on an investment as small as Rs. 200 by adding 50% to original investment in 5 years. Apart from guaranteed returns, this plan offers the essential security of a life insurance. A single premium of Rs. 200 is due on the date of commencement. There are no further premium/s due.
On the survival of the life insured to the maturity of the plan which is 5 years after the inception date, a maturity benefit of Rs.300 is payable
On death during the policy term of 5 years, the sum assured of Rs.5000 will be paid
Guaranteed returns, with the essential security of a life insurance
To be eligible for this plan, age at entry of the life assured must be between 18 and 60 years of age
Term period is fixed as 5 years and the Maximum age at Maturity is 65
This policy can be taken only on a single-life basis